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MBO project as an opportunity for involvement and responsibility


In 2017 SDR PACK adopted an MBO model (Management by objectives) that applies to all company employees, regardless of their position. This complex project stemmed from the definition of strategic corporate objectives, which were then broken down into operational and tangible objectives, as well as monitorable and measurable.


These objectives were divided into three categories: corporate, area and individual objectives. The first two are aimed at constantly improving product quality and production process quality as well as meeting our customers’ needs. Individual objectives, instead, are highly personalised and are focused on the professional and personal growth of each employee.


Through MBO, the company has implemented a process aimed at making its employees more involved and responsible, thus inspiring greater commitment at work and increasing their satisfaction. As a result, managers are more aware of how to manage their staff and interaction within w  ork teams has improved, also at various levels. Finally, problem-solving skills have been developed by applying synergies and adopting a broader proactive approach.
