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Recyclable flexible packaging

Fight against plastic: a threat or opportunity for manufacturers and users of flexible packaging?

Plastic and packaging are experiencing a moment of intense media attention and when choosing their purchase, consumers are increasingly sensitive to how manufacturers decide to pack their products. Consequently, packaging has become a fundamental decision-making lever – the aspect that can make one choose one product over another.

Is the current battle against plastic a threat or opportunity for manufacturers and users of flexible packaging? From our point of view, it is certainly an opportunity for two reasons. Firstly, SDR PACK likes challenges and in this case, it involves developing alternative packaging solutions, re-designing the packaging with the aim of facilitating the recycling operations and optimising resources.

Secondly, this is not a novelty for our company or a last minute pursuit of the solution to fulfil European Directive 2019/904: SDR PACK has always worked with this intention, studying alternative materials, which guarantee product safety and shelf life and are eco-friendly at the same time. Consequently, we are able to offer packaging solutions that are optimised for this purpose.

Today, we want to talk in particular about a recyclable plastic packaging, with or without a barrier, for hot bar packaging: our innovative MOPEK and BAPEK films, the actual eco-friendly alternative to the currently laminated materials on the market.


MOPEK is a recyclable plastic packaging: it is a PE monofilm for hot bar packaging, without a barrier. Available in thicknesses of 70, 80 and 90 microns, it conforms to food contact.


BAPEK is a recyclable plastic packaging. It is a PE monofilm for hot bar packaging, which guarantees a highly efficient ATM barrier: the permeability to water vapour and oxygen, in fact, is better compared to, for example, a PET film. Available in thicknesses of 70, 80 and 90 microns, it conforms to food contact.


It is important to keep in mind that from our point of view, plastic is not the number one enemy of the environment: it is a tool that allows us to preserve products, guaranteeing their shelf life, and to combat the food waste phenomenon. The real problem is plastic being abandoned in the environment by man. 

European Directive 2019/904 is an opportunity for all manufacturers and users of flexible plastic packaging: in fact, it allows the use of resources to be optimised and the packaging design to be enhanced with an approach to recycling plastic.


SDR PACK offers a range of eco-friendly solutions:


N.B.: the information refers to the Italian separate waste collection system. SDR PACK is happy to provide advice based on the provisions of your country/the country in which you market your products. For more information:

