Pasta has always been considered one of the most popular food excellences in Italy and abroad. Symbol of the Mediterranean diet, the average consumption of pasta is five times a week making it the most popular food on our tables.
As reported by the Unione Italiana Food - Pasta Sector the association of food manufacturing companies, the sector’s exports are constantly increasing. Germany has always been the leading export outlet for dry and fresh Italian pasta with a threefold increase in the last 25 years. Closely followed by France and the United Kingdom whose consumption has doubled and quadrupled respectively in the last 40 years.
The increase in pasta consumption abroad is also driven by the positive values conveyed by the authenticity of Italian products and by the health contents that are attributed to the dishes that are the pillars of our tradition. Values that must also be bolstered by packaging. Indeed, given the ever increasing attention by consumers for product quality and packaging sustainability, sector companies, adopting the European Directive 94/62/EC concerning packaging and packaging waste, are paying increasing attention to the type of packaging to choose for the product. A product of excellence must be “dressed” according to the quality of its contents.
Unfortunately, the uniformity of the directive and its transposition by European nations needs to be clarified. We are currently in a period of transition and SDR PACK as a result of the efforts of the Research and Development department has been able to create a winning, high performance, flexible packaging solution for the fresh pasta sector in line with the different interpretations given to the directive by the main European nations.
Our flexible polyethylene mono-material packaging has already been tested and marketed in many European markets by a number of prestigious sector brands, providing excellent operating results in the packaging stage and responding to the shelf life demands of fresh pasta. The performance of the barrier maintaining the organoleptic characteristics, which was once achieved by multi-layer film, today, is assured by the new SDR PACK mono-material, which also provides the huge advantage of being easily recyclable. In fact, we managed to pass from a classification 7 (not always recyclable) to 4 (easily recyclable), which in Italy pays a considerably lower Conai contribution.
For more information about our mono-material recyclable packaging with plastic: