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Let's get to know Fabio Pierobon, Giulia Rostellato e Kenan Kasibovic, three of our young employees who are growing from a professional point of view

What’s your name? How old are you?

F: Fabio. 31. 

G: Giulia. 29.

K: Kenan. 25.


How long have you been with the Company? What do you do?

F: since June 2016. Production Programmer.

G: since November 2015. Marketing Department.

K: in February it will be 4 years. Printing and Plate-Mounting Department Manager.


What does SDR mean to you?

F: a running train I didn’t want to miss.

G: the Company is allowing me to grow, making me face up to situations. SDR is also the Company allowing me to work every day in the field of marketing and communications, which I’m really keen on and chose.

K: for me it’s work, in the most positive sense of the term. A job I like and I’m passionate about.


What do you like most about your job?

F: This is a ‘pivoting’ job, meaning that it combines the need of the Client with the criticality of the production process and requires a variety of skills. It changes constantly and there is always a start and an end: it always comes full circle.

G: As I mentioned, I’m really into the marketing and communications world and it’s very stimulating to study a strategy, write the content and see your ideas take shape. I like to work in a company that believes in communication and gives me the chance of proposing a variety of different activities in my sector.

K: The fact that there is no tedious routine. Every day is different from the previous one and enables me to expand my knowledge and improve.


What would you say about SDR to someone unfamiliar with the company?

F: This is a company that underwent an incredible growth process over the last five years, thanks to the great experience and passion of ‘senior’ Management and the proactive approach of their children during the generational handover still underway. This is a tough challenge, because it requires a reorganisation of processes and a suitable management of change.

G: SDR is a young, growing company, which is structuring itself and has some very solid roots. A company with a close eye on market needs and dynamics. A group of expert and competent people, each in their own sector.

K: SDR is a young, fresh, modern company that is constantly growing. It’s a company with strong potential, in step with the times and able to meet market needs.


What would you like to say to your Co-workers?

F: I always say that I need them as much as they need me. We need to believe in teamwork, because sharing and liaising with each other are the critical success factor.

G: I would like to tell them that it is stimulating to work in an environment like ours, with competent people and, when we put ourselves to it, we’re really a great team!

K: To work properly, you need to be a close-knit team and communicate by working together... and you must never settle for less, never stop. Always do as best as you can.


In a word, what is your greatest quality?

F: I’ve always thought of myself as a reliable person, in any area.

G: I’m strong-willed and honest.

K: Determination.


Your limit in one word?

F: Maybe I’m too meticulous.

G: Sensitivity and some insecurities, which I am working on.

K: Sometimes I take things too much to heart... I get far too involved into things.


How do you see yourself in 5 years?

F: This is an interview question! (laughs  Ed.) I’ll tell you what I’d like to do... I’d like to manage a team of several people. I certainly see myself with more training on my job, given that it’s full of nuances and I enjoy all the aspects of the company.

G: More mature and with ‘broader shoulders’, always ready to grow and improve. From a personal point of view, I hope I’ll feel serene as I do now and maybe a few of my dreams will have come true...

K: 30 years old, fulfilled both in terms of my job and in terms of family

What objective are you working on at the moment?

F: I’m working with a view of improving process programming according to the speed of the machine and setup times.

G: I’m working on my small insecurities... on letting unimportant things ‘slide off’ me, on not taking certain situations too much to heart.

K: On improving as a person, by working on my defects. There’s always room for improvement.


If you could be a famous person, either a real or a fictional one, who would you be?

F: I like tennis... if I really have to be a famous person, that would be king Roger Federer!

G: I never think “I’d like to be...” I admire people who start from the bottom and work their way up with an honest approach. Sometimes, after a concert, I find myself thinking that I’d be curious to be a talented singer for a day, one I admire, maybe in the field of independent music and see what it feels like to have a lot of people together in front of you singing your songs. Just out of curiosity!

K: I don’t have an idol. I like brilliant people, visionary people... not in the sense of people who have visions or imagine things, but people who are able to see things or bring out a potential that others can’t even begin to imagine. Like Steve Jobs. Or even our Managers, who have been able to turn a small business in what SDR stands for today.


Is there a motto, saying or sentence you feel represents you?

F: Not one that represents me... I’m not the kind of person into ‘famous quotes’. There’s one by Nelson Mandela that stayed with me over the last months: “Everything seems impossible until it’s done”.

G: Behave with others as you would like others to behave with you.

K: Never settle for less, never stop! Never stop learning.


What do you like about other people?

F: Transparency and sincerity.

G: Loyalty, sincerity, ethics, fairness. I like people who take responsibility for their actions.

K: Sincerity and spontaneity. I like people who show themselves for what they are and don’t change their attitude depending on the person in front of them.


What bothers you instead?

F: Conceit.

G: Insincerity. Dishonesty. I can’t stand people who highlight other people’s defects, in relation to their good qualities, and who sow discord and people who blame others for their own responsibilities.

K: False people, two-faced people, people who don’t have the courage to speak openly. The opposite of the previous answer.


What are your hobbies? 

F: I like reading, travelling... but I don’t have any hobbies at the moment. I dedicate most of my spare time to my daughter... she’s great fun!

G: You can’t really call it a hobby... in my spare time, spending time with my dear ones, with my dog, listening to music, going out for a walk outside. I like travelling, tasting various kinds of food, cooking when I have time.

K: Sports in general. I like travelling whenever I can, both journeys and local trips. I like adventure, eating, the company of my dear ones.


Your ideal trip?

F: I’d like to go to Japan... travel around there. I’ve never been there yet!

G: I love travelling, discovering new places, immersing myself in the culture of the places I visit... I have various trips in mind at the moment: I’d like to travel around Morocco and Portugal, Ecuador and the Galápagos Islands, Zanzibar, Thailand and Cuba... I could come up with a very long list!

K: I’d like to go back to south-east Asia and travel around the Philippines and Indonesia.


What makes you happy?

F: Going back home after a long day at work and seeing my daughter’s face as soon as I arrive.

G: Seeing that my dear ones are happy and the simplicity of small gestures from the heart.

K: Seeing that my dear ones are happy. 
