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How to make the packaging eco-friendly?

The example of Tedesco Group

One of the solutions that can be adopted to make your packaging eco-friendly is downsizing the thickness of the materials used. The flexible packaging, among all the types of packaging, is the most performing one in terms of use of resources: in fact it ensures protection and shelf-life of the product with the least use of material.

The continuous study of improvement solutions has allowed us to offer our customers compositions of lighter materials in terms of grammage, which ensure optimal preservation of the product. This is the case, for example, of the film designed for the product line of the Piselli brand of Tedesco Group. When SDR PACK met the Tedesco Group, the Customer's pack presented two critical issues to be solved: reducing the thickness and rigidity of the material, while preserving the structure of the packaging for shelf display.

We have designed a packaging with a grammage lower than 20% with respect to the packaging in use, while at the same time ensuring the structure required. Furthermore, the composition proposed ensures cost savings for the Customer as well: more packs are produced with the same number of kg ordered. 


To enquire about our flexible packaging:

