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In recent years, the world of frozen food has responded to market demand for easy-to-prepare dishes and minimal food waste. Along with growth, the industry faced several challenges, including a demand for greater sustainability, including through environmentally friendly flexible packaging.

With our customer Bocon S.r.l., a company specialising in the production of “homemade-looking” frozen food, we realised a restyling of the pack in a sustainable key with the shelf-life and production performance of an equivalent conventional non-recyclable film being maintained. The challenge in this case was won thanks to the collaboration with the customer, which allowed us to develop an innovative product that was at the same time performing in all respects: quality of the pack, compliance with the standards of the large-scale retail trade, reduction of the CONAI (National Packaging Consortium) contribution and maintenance of packaging performance.

We listen to the needs of the market and of our customers, with whom we always find the best solution thanks to the partnerships we establish. In this case, the sustainable revolution was necessary for the international growth our customer is facing.

To find out more, watch the video.

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