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Compostable packaging: when a company decides to innovate towards sustainability

The case history of Zini Prodotti Alimentari



“An innovation destined not to leave its mark”: with these words, Zini Prodotti Alimentari launched its new compostable packaging line during the latest edition of the Tutto Food trade fair. Not a misprint, but the desire to underline the decision to “dress” its new collection of organic products with packaging intended for separate organic waste collection, which does not leave its mark at the end of its life cycle.


Zini Prodotti Alimentari, an important Milanese pasta factory that stands out for the quality of its product and its constant commitment to environmental and social issues, has decided to accept the challenge of compostable film and to undertake with enthusiasm the transition from traditional packaging to an innovative eco-friendly packaging solution.


A reference point in the production and worldwide export of high quality frozen foods, the Milanese company has taken the opportunity represented by compostable packaging with enthusiasm: it tested the OK COMPOST INDUSTRIAL certified film by SDR PACK and put it on the market after achieving positive results from the conducted tests. The launch claim Organic inside and organic outside is a perfect example of how packaging can enhance the product it contains, sharing values and strengthening communication.  
